August 07, 2003

Forum on Education and Video Games

Kelvin's comment on my last post calls for a long answer, which I will get to as soon as I can. One reason I can't respond immediately is that I am in the process of particpating in a very interesting online forum on What Can Education Learn From the Video Game Industry?. It is called a "Soapbox," and is sponsored by the Institute for the Advancement of Emerging Technologies (IAETE), an organization housed within the Appalachian Education Lab (AEL) and funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

The panel consists of myself, U of Wisconsin Professor James Paul Gee, Harvard Professor Chris Dede, and a young man named "Cory" (a pseudonym) who -- and this is both great and unusual -- represents the students that the rest of us are trying to help learn.

We are given a loose topic each day for five days and write short essays in response. Unfortunately, the results are not available online in real time, but they will be published shortly as an ensemble. (Update: As of September 26 the forum was still "in review" and not posted, but they were working to expedite things.)

Previously published Soapbox forums are avalilable online at

Posted by Marc at August 7, 2003 05:16 PM