June 08, 2005

The Long Days

This is my favorite time of year - it's light when I get up at 6 and stays light till 9:30. Sky turned six weeks old yesterday. He loves to take in the world and exercise his muscles. He seems to recognize his papa, because he typically stops crying the second I pick him up. But I'm still waiting for his first real smile...

As promised, "What can you learn from a cell phone - Almost Anything" is now up on Innovate! I encourage all developers of educational games and other software to consider developing for the platform the kids prefer -- i.e. the cell phone -- as opposed to what we may prefer or know how to work with. Note the conclusion of the researcher in the article - kid's stick with it longer!

Although I've got half a dozen new articles in the pipeline, I'm devoting the rest of this month (other than speaking engagements at the Games, Learning and Society conference in Madison and at NECC in Philadelphia) to the final draft of my new book "Don't Bother Me, Mom, I'm Learning: The POSITIVE guide for Parents Concerned About Their Computer and Video Game Playing." It will be out in the fall, just in time to make a lovely Christmas gift for parents!

Any reader interested in being an advance reader/commentator, please write me. No guarantees, in case I'm overwhelmed, but I'll do what I can. At this point I'd be especially interested in receiving quotes from kids about what they've learned from a particular game, and quotes from parents about what they've seen their kids learning.


(Note: Sadly, despite measures taken, we are being spammed again, so I am turning off the comments.)

Posted by Marc at June 8, 2005 11:45 AM